Monday, August 1, 2011

Curriculum Ordered

photo source Photobucket

After a long search and research on the net,I found a curriculum that I feel is going to work well for us. is the curriculum I purchased. It's a Christian based curriculum and has phonics that will be shipping with one order. Given that this is my first year of official homeschooling I may and well probably will tweak it a bit or a lot. Who knows! But I am so excited to start.

I have been doing some summer homeschooling with them and it has been very helpful to Devon. His reading and math skills have gotten so much better. He is feeling more comfortable with his work and he is trying very hard. : )

With Carissa I mainly did a review as she went through her school work so quickly last year that I needed to make sure she really "got" it. And I'm happy to say that she did.

I'm about to head out to the grocery store so I need to jump off here.

God Bless,

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