Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Homemaker in training/helping in the kitchen

Teaching my daughter how to be a Godly young lady is a task I take to heart. It give me much pleasure and joy to watch her tackle a task in our home and to see the curiosity in her eyes  as she asks questions while she sees me working. There are many lesson a mother can undergo in teaching her daughter to be a Godly wife and mother, but for today I want to talk about “Help in the kitchen”.

 The value of teaching my daughter the ins and outs of the kitchen are very valuable. Not only will she be a blessing to me but later in life she will be tremendous blessing to her husband and later children. I know that it would take less time to just do it all myself but how is that going to help her learn. If I selfishly push her aside and not make the time to teach her, how am I really helping her? I know that when I’m mixing up a batch of cookies or making pizza crust it would be so much easier to just do it myself and it would be far less messy and trying. This kind of thinking has led our young ladies down a road of selfish thinking themselves and rendered them rather ignorant in the kitchen. This is something they will have to work hard to learn later on in life, and they will most likely feel frustrated and down on themselves all because of the lack of patience, love and Godly guidance and wisdom to show her the ropes from an early age.

 If you have not been taking the time to teach your daughter and you think it’s too late, it’s not. When you’re making a meal or snack have her come in and assign her a job to do.  The added bonus of being in the kitchen with your daughter and working side by side is the talks and close relationship that can develop from it.

 For little ones give them small jobs to start.  Wash fruits and vegetables. Set the table. Help you clean up after a task has been completed. As they grow older you can start giving them bigger jobs like Opening cans for you, stirring a pot on the stove, washing or rinsing the dishes.  By taking the time to teach her you are instilling valuable skills for her future. You as a Godly mother can take rest in knowing she has been well taught for her role as a wife and later a mother.  When she does get married and leave home she can do in confidence knowing she has been well schooled in the matters of homemaking.

 I always try to remember that the biggest example of a Godly woman to my daughter is ME! The way I handle situations, react to life’s stresses, how often she sees me pray, etc.  By investing time and knowledge into my daughter  I feel that I am truly doing what it says in Titus 2: 3-5 The aged women likewise, that [they be] in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; 4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 [To be] discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

 God Bless,

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