Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Clutter Cutting Days

We have been busy around here. Busy going through things and getting rid of things. Free up space and freeing up our lives. I have so much to do around here. A little history behind all the clutter we are dealing with. I was going to have a yard sale over the summer. I had so much stuff,I had been going through things and saving the good stuff for the sale. I had bags of clothes,toys,and other household items. Well I started working on the pricing and such and realized I was doing this solo,no one could or would help me. With my condition that made it almost impossible to set the sale up each day and break it down. So that stuff just set in our storage ara and set and set. And anything else I was going to put in there just set there.

Realizing that I will not be having the sale (even though we needed the money) I couldn't take holding onto that stuff any longer. We cleaned out the room that will be our dining room (one of these days),there wasn't a lot of stuff in there just a few things and most of it was bulky stuff. Then we went to storage room and got rid of bags of stuff. My suv is now packed down with stuff ready to go to charity. Today we are making a much needed to stop the charity we donate to on a regular basis The Mustard Seed. They do not charge for those that need clothing and some household items to come and look through and take what they need. So if I am giving the stuff away anyway I don't like do so with the thought that,that free stuff is going to be sold to someone.

Now that I am on a role I am not stopping there. I have already started going through our clothes and have to go through clothes and things we have put up. I am determined to get rid of the extra "stuff" that is cluttering up our lives.

Do you have any clutter cutting sessions you would like to share?

Happy Homemaking

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