Friday, December 4, 2009

Frugal Fridays:Living Frugally

I wrote this article a year or so ago when things in the economy first started to go South. It's interesting to read again and touch base.

This term is frequently used all over these days. It's hip to be frugal now! There's mounds of information all over the world wide web. Some practical and some radical. I think it's hard to look at one person's or families living ways and pick at your own. Each family or person is very different. From where they live,their income,their debt,the size of the family,their lifestyle. I could go on but you get the picture. What works for one not always is going to work for another. What one family or person believes is living frugal and may be to them but is far from that to another.

 I believe and I'm not alone when I say that the ecomony is crazy right now. And rather scarey. We are a family of 5 and it's a struggle each week at the grocery store. And I hear daily that's it's only going to get worse. You know the saying it's always darkest before dawn. It's going to get worse before it gets better. But in the meantime we have to live.

One thing that I have lacked on a lot is watching the portions of meats and things that I fix. I have 3 males in my home and thought nothing at making a large batch of chicken and most of it was ate. Well in making an effort to save money when and where I can. I divided up the meat I have in portions appropriate for my family size,usually 3 to 4 oz servings for things like chicken or beef. I'm going to stretch our food as much as I can.

I also purchased a book packed full of recipes for homemade cleaner and things. I'm a big spender on cleaners and love the smell of them. But when my last trip to stock up cost me close to 40.00 dollars the thrill was gone.

Also on my list are goodies and bread. Prices on all of these have shot through the roof and they are not done yet. I'm going to make as much of these as I can from scratch. Cooking from scratch is truly going to be a challenge for me as my schedule is so busy but I do believe it's important not only for our bank account but for our health. And as an added bonus my children will learn more about cooking,actual cooking and not prepackaged meals or fast food but good home cooked food.

What are you doing to save or live below your means?

If you have any TNT recipes you would like to share please feel free!!! We are always looking for new recipes to add to our collection.

Happy Homemaking

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