Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Prayer Journal

I started a prayer journal almost a year ago when all this mess started with my dad. I felt so angry and bitter and anxious,my son Jason advised to maybe start writing down my feeling in a journal. I thought it was worth a shot. So I grabbed a notebook,nothing fansy just a plain ordinary notebook,opened it up,put the date on the top of the page and then started writing. I didn't realize the power of doing this and how theraputic it can be. I also did realize that while writing day by day I started writing to Jesus. Talking to him about all that I was feeling,what was on my mind,prayers for others,ect. WOW! Was that powerful. I can't explain how my what has since evolved into a prayer journal has effected my life.

Life throws some really rotten things at us and it's not good to hold those in. By writing them down and giving them to God I have been able to deal much better with my daily stresses and also able to pour my heart out to the Lord on paper. My hopes for the future,asking to be used by the Lord,my prayers for my children and my fears. All this is just a small part of my prayer journal. From silly things to overwhelming life stopping events all of it goes in there,because Jesus is not just my saviour but he's my friend to. When I'm writing in my prayer journal I am not just writing to my saviour,my father but my friend. Give it try,you may be surprised where it takes you in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Happy Homemaker

photo supplied by http://www.photobucket.com/ user I-love-craft


Anonymous said...

I too have a Prayer Journal. I usually keep up with it daily. But these last few weeks have been off because of the busyness. I still pray of COURSE but writing it down has been slacking.

Thanks for motivating me again.

Doug Joseph said...

The “Monday Morning Memo” from Roy H. Williams arrives in my email in-box weekly. I always read it as soon as I can. Yesterday’s memo was about how writing one’s thoughts and feelings (which is called “interactive journaling”) helps one to work through problems and remove the “limiting factor” in one’s life. In fact, the memo’s title was “Remove the Limiting Factor.”

Then, the very next day, I logged into your blog to read how you were practicing the very things Roy Williams talked about in that memo. Can that be a coincidence?

Among the interesting quotes in the memo was:

“I never know what I think about something until I read what I’ve written on it.”
—William Faulkner, winner of the Nobel Prize

Among the very interesting details in the memo, he talks about how:

“We learn our minds when we write our thoughts. The problem with our century is that we are constantly distracted; ‘Too much to do, too little time.’ Writing dictates a frame of mind we rarely experience today.

“Writing moves us from the emotional confusion of right brain, abstract thought, to the logic and clarity of left brain, analytical thought. This is why we think writing is difficult.

“Interactive Journaling focuses your thoughts and quiets your mind so you can hear yourself say what you know to be true.”

You can check out the whole memo online here.

Doug Joseph said...

Also today I got an email from a friend, inviting me to "invest one evening in [my] future" by attending a free session of "The Dale Carnegie Course."

Now the location of the free session is too far away for me to consider attending. However, what caught my eye was the example info at the bottom of the email (see below). Again, I have to wonder if this is just a coincidence. Notice the words "write out and answer...."

Basic Techniques in Analyzing Worry

1. Get all the facts.

2. Weigh all the facts - then come to a decision.

3. Once a decision is reached, act!

4. Write out and answer the following questions:
a. What is the problem?
b. What are the causes of the problem?
c. What are the possible solutions?
d. What is the best possible solution?